Show and Press News
Well truly a day I will remember forever.
n the morning Dougie won Best of Breed longhair under Rosemary Fisher.
Then he went up against about 14 BOB winners and amazingly won.Huge thank you to Best Variety judge Mr Wayne Vessey.
That took him to the ultimate accolade of appearing on the pestigous floodlit purple stage and a further panel of three judges against the Best of all the sections. He behaved impeccably being handled throughout by his steward and then he was called forward as the outright winner receiving huge trohy and the biggest rosettes l have ever seen.
South West British Shorthair Cat Club 1/04/17
My best result so far with Otto winning Best British Cat in Show out of about 60 British Cats of all colours such a proud moment !
Purdy also won her class went BOB female and achieved her final CC to make her up GCCF Champion.

Orla had a truly amazing and unexpectedly successful first show with Fife.
She was best of breed and nominated for Best in Show. This was very exciting as the nominated cats of all breeds and all ages are placed on podiums in front of you and are judged in a knockout style competition against each other until the best cat wins, and Orla kept staying!
She ended up Best in Category, Best Kitten in Show and res Champion overall what an achievement for 5 months. Well done Orla!

Wonderful successful day with my homebred Ohoka Gucci Girl and imported Tiger Club Hope who got Ist, Best of Breed and Paul Darrow Best Kitten Award.

Dylan gaining his first Challenge certificate at his very first show gaining Best of Breed at National Cat Club show.
Update 12/06/16
Dylan gained his final certificate and is now Fife Champion.

Pearl winning Reserve Best Kitten in show at Cattica Newbury, beating 52 competitors of all breeds. She also won six firsts and six best in breeds.
In September we had a lovely day at FiFe show.
Homebred Daisy EX1, Best variety and nom for best kitten 4-7 months.
Fife Winners Show Jan 2016
Daisy had a great day won her class, best of catagory 7-9months, Nominated best in show and was reserve best junior overall. My first trophy!!
Izzy also was winner of her class and got her first CAC she needs three tobe a champion so she is on her way!

Mail on Sunday Magazine
Two of my newly homed kittens Cleo and Dimbleby appeared in a Christmas photoshoot for the Mail on Sunday Magazine in December.
I'm not sure it was entirely intentional, but the production team thought they were so cute and photogenic they couldn't resist including them!

Thank you Liberty for forwarding the fab pictures to me and also of the delightful ones of them climbing to the top of the Christmas tree!.... Let's hope they don't try next year!
Channel 5 Documentary
March 2016 I was approached by the Channel 5 research team saying they had come across my website and would be very interested in filming my "beautiful cats" for a documentary on "The Secret Lives of Kittens", which was released in June.
Put like that i could hardly refuse and as it happened Orla was due in a few days time. So with her eyeliner already applied Orla became a filmstar!
She was actually incredible... With a little bit of fresh tuna steak to persuade her! She did absolutely everything asked. Three takes of her "waddling" heavily pregnant, two of her getting in to her birthing box and then that night infront of the GoPro giving birth to her babies.
They came back the following day with the very impressive self leveling camera to film the new born babies and again 10 days old and through to 9 weeks when filming ceased. Accidently they mananged to erase some footage so infact Izzy had to then step in as understudy/stunt double!

Rob, the cameraman, was so good with her and she was so relaxed with him. Turns outs he has won awards for wildlife photography in Africa..... so a domestic cat trained to tuna must have been easy!
Secret Lives of Kittens Channel 5 Update.
Well "Lloyd was quite the star!!" Though I felt a little explanation should have been given as to his longhair!
Basically in the 1950's to improve the round face and small ears of the British shorthair the then National Cat Society allowed outcross to Persians. The recessive longhaired gene has survived literally generations and generations and will pop up where both parents are carriers. So although both Orla and Dylan have a 5 generation pedigree with no longhairs present way way back they must have acquired the gene. Interestingly the GCCF and other registration bodies do not necessarily want to eradicate them from the breed as they feel is is also the reason for the characteristic short dense coat of the British Shorthair so they are fully registerable and certainly pedigree. TICA and other registerable bodies call them British Longhairs (Highlanders is also a name abroad) GCCF call them British Shorthair Variants.....whatever they are they are beautiful!