Otto has been the most amazing stud but is now retired living in a super pet home. He is dad to Molly with Motsi and in the pedigree of many of my cats.
It took me almost a year of searching for second potential studboy as nice as Dylan.
Not only was I looking lovely green round eyes, great confirmation but also a short coat with dramatic tabby pattern and of course the Cheshire cat smile!
"Otto" arrived at 7 months old, a super friendly, cuddly confident many of the pics are as a kitten young boy so he still has quite a bit of maturing to do! His temperament is so amazingly friendly everyone falls in love with him. When l let him out in the garden for a little walk about he always makes me smile as when l call him he literally comes galloping full speed and flops at my feet for a tummy rub.
He really does have totally amazing temperament which he passes on to his lapcat and even follows me right round the fields in the summer on dog walks despite the whippets whizzing about. He is such an advert for British cats greeting every Airbnb guest that arrives. He of course genuinely loved his showing but as he got older his parallel tram line markings merged which is not the required pattern
Tested ... FIV, FeLV negative, PKD normal and parents both HMC clear by cardiograph.
Update 9/09/17
At West Country Cat show Otto achieved his best result so far going Best Variety and Best in Show British Shorthair(all colours from about 60 exhibits)
He was judged for BIS in special curtained pens in front of all the exhibitors alongside the Best all breeds longhair, the Best Semi Longhair and Best Foreign exhibits.
He won a pen full of booty and some fabulous(huge!)rosettes.
Update 25/02/17
At Coventry and Herts joint GCCF shows Otto had a red card day gaining two breed class firsts and best of Variety both shows under two different judges. He gained two Challenge certificates so is well on his way to Champion status .... I was thrilled. He seemed to love his day out totally chilled and adored the attention!
Update 1/04/17
At his second show South West Shorthair Cat Club he gained his final CC to make him Champion. This was topped by the fact that the judge chose him out of all the cats he judged that day as his favorite and made him his " Judges Choice".
TESTED NEGATIVE PKD,FIV,FeLV and parents HMC clear by cardiograph.