Beautiful Silverpoints

These stunning silver pointed cats have intense deep blue or turquoise eyes but still with the very black eyeliner.
Their sister breed, silver tabbypoints , are fully recognised GCCF and these are what I am hoping to breed. They just have a little more visible tabby markings to their legs, face and tail.
I am fortunate to have imported a very well bred boy from Russia Champion Artic Bear of Ohoka and eagerly anticipate showing him with TIca and Fife.
Spring 2020 I will be expecting another silver tabby point litter with Phoebe and Molly.
Update16/17 March 2019
Archie exceeded all expectations as he was only just eligible for adult classes he won his class then was nominated for BIS. The BIS was a knock out competition with all three International judges examining the cats then voting for them by holding up the chosen number. Archie was so well behaved and beat Bengals, Burmese, British Longhairs and and several other breeds neuters, kittens and juniors to go overall best Section Best in Show
Update 5/11/18
Archie attended his first TICA show at the very busy National Pet show at the NEC he behaved like a pro! The judges loved his type and were especially impressed by his deep blue eye colour and dense, crisp textured coat.
He achieved 4 out of a possible 6 allbreed kitten finals so I was thrilled!