" Tiger Cub Hope" arrived all the way from Ukraine, thankyou Yana she a very special kitten in both looks and personality and a very unusualcolour here in the uk......a blue silver tortie tabbypoint.
To my mind she is everything a British shorthair should be....short cobby body,small ears and round in every way! A common fault of silvers is that they tend to be a bit leggy and do not have the round compactness of some of the other colours.
She has already excelled herself in the show ring gaining First, BOB and Paul Darrow award for Best kitten at GCCF Supreme and getting to two kitten British Shorthair Best of Varieties and all breed Finals at TICA and ending Best Shorthair kitten overall Newbury TICA under judge Phillipa Holmes. I actually achieved a personal goal by beating the more popular and generally better typed colours such as blues, creams and lilacs something which is no easy feat!
Everyone who meets Phoebe loves her.....and that extends to other cats as well as people .She has a coat like a little bear and is just so cuddly and with her lovely blue eyes has me smitten!
Well my lovely blue eyed girl excelled all expectations and became a Champion at her first adult show.
She had tough competition in the form of fully matured big blue,lilac and bicoloured boys and she even got a res BOB.
In the all female Congress class she was Best Female British Shorthair and 5th All Breeds out of over 30 entries. Thoughout the day she stole judges hearts happily cuddling with them all!