Orlas kitten

Many thanks to Olga Smyk from Mysticat cattery in Moscow for entrusting me with the stunning kitten Mysticat Euphoria who will compliment my breeding program.
She is out the WFC Champion Mysticats Silver Casablanca by the prolific winning Juspurr De Noble with a superb all silver pedigree with almost all champions and Grand Champions throughout.
At her first FiFe show, as a 5 month old kitten, she was Overall Best Kitten in Show and Reserve Champion Best in Show. She has the most lovable temperament and her favorite occupation above all is hunting flies!
It was really luck that Orla became the filmstar of the "Secret Lives of Kittens" as she was the girl due at the time but she was so chilled didn't mind at all having strangers and cameras inches from her face such a sweet girl that she is.
She should have her last litter of kittens with the most amazing green eyes with Dylan 2017...their unique trait seems to be that they love fetching and carrying their toys which is adorable.