Ohoka Jellybean was from my lovely imported girl Izzy Sirval who sadly needed a caesarian so was spayed and rehomed as a pampurred pet.She was the most characterful playful cat ever, totally unfazed by anything, which she has passed on to her lovely daughter Beanie
You can almost set your clock to the fact that at 5pm every evening she will have a mad half hour of playing charging up an down the stairs and pouncing on Purdy..it is so amusing to watch.
Her family have the most amazing green eyes that actually develop green from a very young age. She was super cute as a kitten with a little snub nose and always very round faced, stocky and compact..she does love her grub and is nicknamed "Fatty" such a nosey girl ..welcomes the Tescos delivery!
She has been lightly shown as there was no point her competing against Purdy in the same class, but at her only Fife show she was awarded Best Variety and nominated BIS Her showing career has been interrupted by motherhood but hopefully she will gain her final CAC needed to be made Champion in the autumn.