
(Now retired to lovely pet home)
In 2014 I was incredibly fortunate to purchase my lovely Dylan. He is extremely well bred with Gryffindors sire and a total 22 champions in his four generation pedigree.
He is pure silver breeding. He came to me as a fairly institutionalised kennel stud cat but over months of having him Into the house and teaching him to play he has developed into a real purr machine loving nothing more than being groomed and cuddled. He is very aptly named Dylan as he is totally laid back I truly could not wish for a sweeter temperament. He is most unusual as a stud cat as he is out every day in the garden and doesn't wonder just chills and comes to call when its time to go to bed. His laid back temperament is very much passed down to his babies as is his beautiful head and stunning apple green eyes.
Dylan was awarded his Championship status in 3 straight shows and was nominated for BIS
Tested negative PKD, FIV, FeLV parents HCM clear
Spring 2019, Dylan was neutered and retired to a fabulous country home. He was very much my special foundation boy leaving beautiful kittens with round heads and fabulous apple green eyes. He is Grand father to many of my kittens and I see so much of him in them so thought I would leave his pictures up for people to see.